Sunday, 24 July 2011

Thing 6 - Online Networks

Reading through the introduction to Thing 6 this week I decided not to panic about the networks that I'm not on (unless anyone has suggestions of ones that I can't afford to miss, so to speak), but to consider & consolidate my involvement in the networks that I am on.

I am on Facebook, but as I have mentioned in an earlier blog, I am more of a lurker & also my 'friends' are predominantly from my theatre work. I don't think that I particularly want to use Facebook in a LIS networking context, although I have followed the pages of certain organizations when applying for jobs with them which is a useful further insight into your potential employer & a possible talking point if you get an interview (I won't talk about the subsequent 'unfollowing' of some of these pages!).

I joined LISNPN recently & enjoyed reading through the various fora. One thing I found particularly interesting in, I think, the Resources section was people's reviewing of some of the masters courses. Again, with this network, I am guilty of lurking.

Upon investigating LinkedIn further, joining some groups (23 Things, CILIP (pending), CDG (pending),& IRMS) & looking up some of the profiles suggested by cpd23, I discovered it had a breadth of potential that I hadn't realized before. I am registered on it, & have accepted a few invitations to connect, but once again the connections are theatre-based. I'm in a dilemma because of the career change I'm trying out, but I don't want to deny my past career or ungraciously & ruthlessly disconnect from theatre colleagues. As a result of this I haven't filled in my profile details yet & am sitting on the fence by labelling myself an  "arts & cultural professional" in order not to alienate either sector! I suppose, in an ideal world, I would love to work as an information professional within the arts & culture sector. However, LinkedIn is all about professional connections & I'm not going to get anywhere in a new profession by 'hiding' so I will be addressing my 'Jekyll & Hyde' issues soon!

I do realize that 'networking' is about both taking & giving, & on reflection my online activity so far has really just consisted of taking. I guess that at this stage I feel that I don't have that much to give professionally! This is clearly a good goal for change.


  1. Are you finding cpd23 useful for networking?

  2. @Suzan
    Yes, I guess I am finding cpd23 useful for networking. I've certainly connected with some library folk & am getting used to being 'out there' through doing so. What requires some work is my commenting on other people's blogs & being proactive in connecting.
