Hurray! I’ve made it to Thing 4 two days earlier in the week than my last blogs! Current awareness is something which I am very keen to cultivate at the moment, & there is certainly no shortage of interesting conversation threads in library land with all the various conferences & particularly the forthcoming Umbrella. I am loving being a part of CPD23 as there is a great sense of community, & a shared enthusiastic anticipation for each week’s tasks.
Taking Twitter into consideration first – as a relative newcomer I have to confess to becoming quite addicted. I am still more of a lurker than a tweeter, but I’m getting braver. The brevity & immediacy of Twitter appeals to me & I need to find my own voice on it. I love following event threads remotely. Following library & info related tweets really gives me a sense of the community that I mentioned earlier. It’s addictive to follow links in peoples’ tweets, but also dangerously time-consuming! Just as others have mentioned in their own blogs this week I think that I need to manage my time online more efficiently, which brings me to RSS. This is something which I have tried out for the first time this week & think that I will find it very useful once I have organised folders etc. (...& that’s just to housekeep the rather large CPD23 Blog subscription!). I am a bit of a news junkie so bringing all my favourites to me will hopefully contribute to my online efficiency. Not sure about Pushnote though – I’ve registered....but haven’t really got beyond that. Sorry to be unenthusiastic, but I think that I need to tackle my information overload through other mediums first. Ending on a positive note, my new-found social networking confidence saw me signing up for LinkedIn yesterday in response to an acquaintance’s invitation to connect. Hopefully this will prove useful in the near future.
Looking forward to the reflective practice next week. Think that I should try & talk about the school library work that I have been involved in. All my blogs so far have confined themselves to the weekly tasks & not related particularly to my own library experiences.
Will also be visiting Umbrella Exhibition & Poster sessions next week &, of course, following all the related tweets.
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